Our courses


January 1st – February 8th
February 26th – April 4th
April 22nd – May 30th
June 17st – July 25th
August 12th – September 19th
October 7th – November 14th

field ready instructor training hvac student

Phase one

The Field Ready beginner courses are designed to give students an incite into the industry of HVAC Repair and an introduction to the role and responsibilities of a Repair Service Technician.
  • Field Safety
  • Equipment Familiarization
  • Basics of Air Conditioning
  • Introduction to EPA 608

phase two

The Field Ready intermediate courses take a deep dive into the fundamentals of each key area in the HVAC field.

  • Fundamentals of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
  • Fundamentals of Air Distribution
  • Fundamentals of Electricity in Air Conditioning
  • Fundamentals of Heat Pumps and Electric Heating
  • Fundamentals of Gas Heating
field ready instructor conducting hands on training with hvac unit

phase three

In the final phases of the student’s journey, courses will be focused on common field communication practices. The student will learn methods on how to communicate system failures and solutions to the customer while asking them for their business and learn how ethical practices help the bottom line.
  • Service Ethics
  • Service Communication
Hvac Students learning
student studying hvac


Contact us

Our HVAC instructors are the most recognized professionals in the world because we’re committed to amazing service and nothing wears on homeowners like the idea.